July 10, 2024 / CPOVs

CP Abroad With Courtney Marlow

Courtney Marlow, Senior Public Relations, Social Media & Influencer Marketing Manager 

Embracing Unfamiliarity: 8 Countries in 8 Weeks

When Connelly Partners launched its abroad program back in 2022, I about fell out of my seat. You’re telling me I can go live and work in another country while having ample time to travel to places I’ve dreamed of exploring?! Sign. Me. Up.  

I was lucky enough to go for two months and was eager to take full advantage of my time abroad. I told myself to get comfortable being uncomfortable and see as much of the world as I could squeeze in—even if that meant jetting off to many places solo. Ultimately, I set a goal to visit 8 countries in 8 weeks and I’m happy to report, mission accomplished! (Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Portugal, Scotland, The Netherlands, France, and Italy)

By no surprise, I loved every minute of it—I could easily talk your ear off about every place I visited, the food I ate, and the experiences I endured—but in addition to the passport stamps, photos, and souvenirs I took back with me to Boston, one of the most meaningful takeaways came from my experience working and living in another country, not traveling elsewhere. 

Shake up Your Routine and Slow Down…

I’m a creature of habit and I love my routine—catch me meal prepping on Sundays, going to the same workout classes on repeat, and circling back to my go-to Boston restaurants with friends. But when I left for CP Abroad, I waved goodbye to routine and instead, embraced unfamiliarity. I skipped meal prepping all together and strived to try as many new restaurants as possible. I walked 45 minutes through the city to and from work—making spontaneous stops along the way and admiring the sights. At the office, I sat at a new desk nearly every day—chatting with different Irish colleagues who were just as entertaining as they were kind. And when it came time for lunch, I followed their lead—ditching my computer and gathering around the table to listen curiously (both to their stories and strong accents). I learned that sometimes, you just need to slow down, switch up your environment, and be intentional about getting to know new people. You never know what you may learn!

Just Go with It…

When it came to my travels, I brought the same adventurous spirit to each trip—eager to be a sponge in a new setting and just see where the wind would blow me. I’m a planner at heart, but I intentionally approached each venture with more spontaneity than the last. I always had a loose plan in place—my hotel booked and some things saved on TikTok for inspiration (as a social media manager, I can’t help myself)—but I really did just go with it. I wandered mindlessly and got lost, unexpectedly discovered the cutest markets and shops, stopped for a cappuccino or glass of wine if I felt like it, etc. I moved to the beat of my own drum and with that, learned a lot about myself and what I’m truly capable of. As cheesy as it may sound, life is truly what you make it! 

Just as importantly, I ate a lot of great food—on each trip, I was on a mission to “eat like a local” because I believe that’s one of the most fun ways to get a sense for different cultures. Even if something scared me a bit, (i.e. snails in France) I gave it a go!

pictures of foodSo thank you, Connelly Partners, for giving me the opportunity to embrace unfamiliarity like never before. To say I am grateful would be an understatement. Sláinte!