September 17, 2024 / CPOVs

CP Abroad With Aimée Rose Keenan

Aimée Rose Keenan, Account Executive

woman standing on bridge overlooking new york cityWhen I first joined Connelly Partners, I was told that after a year I could apply to spend some time in the Boston office. The concept seemed so far away when I was hired, so out of the realm of anything I’d consider doing. But it’s funny how fast time goes by when you’re not thinking about it. I had such a busy year, both personally and professionally, and before I knew it, I was being encouraged by my colleagues to apply for an open spot in August. I’ve done a lot of solo travel in the past, including to the States, but I don’t think anything could have prepared me for how I’d feel spending the month in Boston. I couldn’t believe how settled and at home I felt after just one month, how kind all the people were, how easy the city was to get around and just how comfortable I would feel.

There’s something really incredible about travelling by yourself. It forces you outside of your comfort zone, makes you try new things, meet people, and go different places. I don’t think I regret a single thing I did while I was in Boston, and most of it I did alone; from baseball games to a Salem visit, to museum outings and walking tours.

fenway park in boston

Having said that, I also had some wonderful experiences with friends, both old and new!

I was lucky enough to be able to go on a trip to Plymouth with some new friends from the Boston office, which was perhaps the most relaxing weekend I had in August. And yes, I was brought to see the rock. I felt so grateful in getting to know the Boston team, everyone made me feel so welcome! I had a blast on the Brand Team outing, and even learned how to play a new sport: pickleball. some might even call it the fastest-growing sport in America… although I’m still convinced that everyone went extra easy on me.

plymouth bay massachusetts

I also had an incredible time in New York City with one of my friends from Dublin, far from the calming beaches of Plymouth. Comedy shows, jazz bars and thrift shopping made for a totally unique experience in and of itself!

To anyone feeling apprehensive about embarking on the CP Abroad Program or any new adventure, my advice is to do it anyway! It is such a wonderful and unique experience, and can teach you so much about who you are as a person and what you’re capable of, whether that’s on a personal or professional level. I can say for sure that I will absolutely be returning to Boston at some point in the future.

nighttime view of the empire state building in nyc