September 18, 2024 / Thought Leadership

Retail Media: Full Funnel, Not Just Low Funnel

Katie Coughlin, Associate Media Director 

I recently had the opportunity to attend Digiday’s Retail Media Strategies conference in New York City, where leaders in the space dove into the rise of retail media, providing an exclusive look into its evolving role. While retail media has existed in various forms for quite some time, it has swiftly emerged as one of the most effective strategies for driving revenue and enabling brands to engage shoppers throughout their journey. 

In this blog, I’ll shed light on the importance of embracing a full-funnel approach to best position brands for success because the future of retail media is not just about quick wins – it’s about building lasting connections with consumers and creating value at every touchpoint.

Retail Media’s Expanding Role

Retail media is evolving from a low-funnel tool to a powerful, full-funnel ecosystem. No longer just banner ads buried on a retailer’s site, retail media now supports a brand’s entire customer journey – from initial awareness to post purchase engagement. This holistic strategy helps build a deeper connection with consumers at every stage, rather than focusing solely on immediate sales. By incorporating retail media throughout the funnel, brands can increase visibility and recognition from the outset. This broader exposure helps establish brand presence and credibility, making consumers more likely to consider the brand when they are ready to purchase. 

A full-funnel strategy also allows for a more personalized and seamless customer experience. Brands can tailor their messaging and offers based on where the customer is in their journey, leading to more relevant interactions and a higher likelihood of conversion. Finding opportunities to cut through the sea of sameness with placements and messaging that will resonate will ultimately differentiate the brand, capture attention more effectively, and foster a stronger connection with the customer.

This conference emphasized the need for brands to rethink and evolve their approach to retail media. While relying solely on retail media as a sales tactic can lead to short-term gains, it may not sustain growth in the long run. By shifting from a narrow low-funnel tool to a comprehensive full-funnel strategy, brands can position themselves for steady, sustainable growth by fostering customer relationships and retention over time.