November 13, 2023 / Thought Leadership

Charting the Next 25 Years of CP

Steve Connelly, President & Copywriter

Connelly Partners is about to embark on a big anniversary – 25 years in this business. Not many make it this long. And while one can never discount the roles both luck and hard work have played in our success and longevity, I am convinced that our mission and mandate from day one to stay moving, to keep reinventing/reinvesting, to never be a sitting duck, have been a major factor in our success. While we’re not reckless, we do embrace calculated risks and move with purpose. 

As we set our sights on our 25th year, we find ourselves competing in a different world, working in different ways, and standing on a different platform. A global platform. Today, Connelly Partners is an independent global agency with 150 employees across three locations in Boston, Dublin & Vancouver. That’s certainly impressive and allows us to compete for opportunities we might not have been able to in earlier years, but what makes us stand apart is not just that we have 150 people. It’s how we are actively investing in bringing those 150 people together. While we are not perfect, and we have much left to do, our intent is to create something that our business has never seen – a truly integrated group of people who live all over the globe, but know each other, respect each other, listen and learn from each other and can come together in ways that benefit both client and employee. Simply put, we believe our clients get bigger ideas when we shrink the world.

I just used a derivative of a word you’ve probably heard tossed about quite a bit in the last few years – integration. I’m going to ruffle some feathers here – but it’s total B.S. Simply having different skill sets available does not guarantee an agency will not still work in silos. Sounds really cool when an agency says they have an integrated offering, but I’m willing to bet they do little to nothing to create a culture and atmosphere that encourages people globally to actually work together. To build one culture together. To worry not about whose P&L client revenue goes to, but rather worry about the client challenge and inviting a wide range of people to the table to sit and solve that challenge.

Let the other agencies talk about integration. It’s a cold, mechanical word anyway. Let’s talk about how we at CP are devotees of convergence. Integration might be people sitting together. Convergence is ideas coming together. Actively, aggressively, relentlessly.

Now creating convergence requires two things holding companies don’t want to spend – time and money. Convergence does not come cheaply or quickly.

At CP, we’re committed to investing our time and money in ways that bring our people closer, to create the familiarity, honesty and respect needed to create bigger ideas. We’ve made strategic acquisitions, invested in new verticals and leadership, filled gaps within our offering, reinvented employee experience and converged skillsets & mindsets for a stronger CP. 

Again, we are not perfect. But we are not standing still either. Never have, never will.

To that end, we have a whole lot going on right now that we are going to start shouting from the rooftops. We’re launching CP West, our new West Coast office, born from CP’s acquisition of VRX Studios. We’re strengthening CP’s position as a global digital leader. ZOO Digital – a Dublin-based, digitally-driven creative agency that joined the CP family a few years back – will be expanding into North America – and will serve as CP’s Digital offering globally. We’re bringing CP Education, a new dedicated education practice to market as part of our integrated offering. And this follows our launch of CP Health in 2021. 

Lots of news converging at once. See what I did there?

CP never sits still. And we hope that 25 years from now we’re still the restless industry agitators we are today.

Rock on.

November 13, 2023 / News

Connelly Partners Launches Connelly Partners Education

Education marketing veteran Gene Begin leads new practice as Managing Director

Connelly Partners, an independent global agency with 150 employees across Boston, Dublin and Vancouver, has launched Connelly Partners Education (CP Education), a new dedicated education practice as part of the agency’s integrated offering. Gene Begin, former chief marketing executive of Wheaton College (Massachusetts), is at the helm as Managing Director of CP Education, venturing outside higher ed for the first time in 25 years. 

Building from the agency’s work in the vertical over the past two decades, CP Education specializes in working with colleges and universities, educational organizations and nonprofits, and education technology companies. 

The specialty practice is integrated within CP’s full-service offering across Strategy, Creative, Social, Media, Influencer, Digital and Analytics. It allows clients to get the benefits of deep industry knowledge and breadth of marketing experience across multiple target audiences. 

The agency works with clients including Northeastern University, the Center for Collaborative Education, City Year, Year Up, and University of Limerick

“It’s widely known that competition to attract prospective students has intensified within higher education, but brands and institutions are no longer just competing for their attention with those in their category,” said Begin. “Colleges and universities need to differentiate from their competitors, but they also need to stand out from other advertisers to grab attention. Our partners are choosing Connelly Partners Education for our experience doing both inside and outside of higher education, and backed by one integrated, full-service agency.”

Gene has a track record of creating innovative solutions and integrated marketing successes within educational organizations. He was most recently the first-ever Vice President for Marketing & Communications at Wheaton College in Massachusetts and was previously at Babson College for 15 years in a variety of marketing roles across the institution. He has appeared onstage as a speaker at conferences including AMA Higher Ed, Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), Confab Higher Ed, eduWeb, FutureM, HighEdWeb, and University Business Tech, among others. Gene was an eduWeb Summit Award winner in 2018, which seeks to recognize leaders and innovators within the field of higher education marketing, and was a senior leader on the AMA’s Higher Education Marketer of the Year Team Honor in 2013.

Gene joining CP closes the loop on a relationship he started with the agency more than a decade ago when his team selected CP in a search for a new agency for his then-employer, Babson College. He joins Michele Hart-Henry, another previous CP client, who leads the Connelly Partners Health (CP Health) practice. 

As CP enters its 25th year in business, it’s positioned as an independent global agency with 150 employees across three locations in Boston, Dublin & Vancouver. Clients get a global perspective, local market expertise, vertical depth and category know-how. And they get it from teams and resources across the network, no matter what “door” they come in.

November 13, 2023 / News

Connelly Partners West Launches and Is Led by Nadine Cole

Connelly Partners, an independent global agency with 150 employees across Boston, Dublin and Vancouver, is launching Connelly Partners West (CP West), its new West Coast office with a startup mentality.

The new office is led by Nadine Cole, Managing Director of CP West & President of VRX Studios, who has deep experience in the Canadian marketing landscape. Prior to this, she spent over 15 years at Cosette, well-known for its award-winning work with the likes of McDonald’s, Curling Canada, and Jetlines. Nadine served as the SVP and General Manager of Cossette for Western Canada and the USA for nearly 13 years and had stints at DDB Canada and Rethink Canada.

CP West kicks off with clients CloudCare, Chiwis, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts EMEA and more. It recently launched new and emotional work for CloudCare, showcasing the power of AI for the over 55 million people who suffer from dementia. Watch the powerful spot here.

Nadine took the helm of VRX Studios, a Connelly Partners company, in 2022 and has helped transform the business, evolving from a hotel-focussed content agency to one that now creates content for tourism, sports, golf resorts, architects, art installations and much more.

November 13, 2023 / News

Connelly Partners Strengthens Its Digital Offering With ZOO Digital Expansion Into North America

ZOO Digital, a Dublin-based, digitally-driven creative agency is expanding into North America. The company which was acquired by Connelly Partners in 2022 will now serve as their digital offering globally. 

Connelly Partners is an independent global agency with 150 employees across Boston, Dublin and Vancouver. The objective of the expansion is to drive the agency’s digital growth in North America –  fostering integration, and ensuring clients can leverage ZOO’s centre of digital excellence and team of digital creatives, marketing strategists and creative technologists, advancing Connelly Partners’ sustained growth. This news is a departure from the usual trend of US brands entering the Irish market – and sees an Irish digital agency heading over the Atlantic with their expertise. 

The two companies have been working together over the past two years to solidify their collective digital offering within the agency and bring clients enhanced digital expertise. Together, they have successfully landed new business, launched work and campaigns for clients including The V Foundation for Cancer Research, the iconic U.S. brand of Gorton’s Seafood; and science of reading-based tutoring Ignite Reading.

North American businesses will benefit from ZOO Digital’s extensive experience working with global brands including Burger King and Hansard Global and key Irish brands including Electric Ireland, Tirlán’s, the National Lottery and The Abbey Theatre. In addition, the agency is already working with some key brands looking to the US market such as the O’Callaghan Collection.

ZOO Digital will maintain its name and work as an integrated part of the Connelly Partners ecosystem. Its founders, Managing Director, Colin Hetherington, Creative Director, Chris Preston, and Technical Director, Martin Byrne, will provide clients with digital strategic direction and drive integration while leading the team in Dublin. 

Colin Hetherington, Managing Director, ZOO Digital added: “With a decade and a half of experience shaping the digital marketing landscape in Ireland, we’re excited to introduce ZOO Digital to North America. Our human-centered approach to digital has set us apart and it is now available to clients in this dynamic market. We are already gaining momentum with a number of new contract wins and we’re looking forward to making a significant impact on the digital landscape in North America.”

Chief Digital Officer of Connelly Partners, Scott Savitt, based in Boston, said, “Building from the success of Connelly Partners and ZOO Digital’s partnership over the past two years, we’re focusing on growth in North America. The complexity of marketing in today’s world requires agencies to provide end-to-end solutions. That’s what the convergence of ZOO Digital and Connelly Partners is about. We excel in data-driven digital marketing across all channels, using sophisticated customer research and analytics to inform all our strategies.” 

Managing Director of Connelly Partners Dublin, Vaunnie McDermott added, “Connelly Partners have made strategic acquisitions, invested in new verticals and leadership, filled gaps within our offering, reinvented employee experience and converged skill sets for a stronger Connelly Partners. It’s exciting to see our ZOO Digital colleagues adding to this suite of services that our agency provides.” 

As CP enters its 25th year in business, it’s positioned as an independent global agency with 150 employees across three locations in Boston, Dublin & Vancouver. The agency has built a culture where employees globally, from all offices, come together to create best-in-class work. Clients get a global perspective, local market expertise, vertical depth and category know-how. And they get it from teams and resources across the network, no matter what ‘door’ they come in.

November 13, 2023 / News

ZOO Digital Expands to N.A., Savitt Promoted to Chief Digital Officer

Connelly Partners, an independent global agency with 150 employees across Boston, Dublin and Vancouver, is strengthening its position as a global digital leader. ZOO Digital – a digitally-driven creative agency that CP acquired in 2022 in Dublin, Ireland – will be expanding into North America in Q4 – and will serve as CP’s Digital offering globally. Senior Partner, Scott Savitt will assume the role of Chief Digital Officer at CP and will lead the formal introduction of ZOO in North America. 

CP and ZOO have been working together for the past two years to solidify their collective digital offering within the agency, bringing clients enhanced digital expertise and cost efficiencies. Together, they have successfully landed new business, launched work and campaigns for clients including The V Foundation for Cancer Research, founded by ESPN and legendary coach Jim Valvano; heritage brand and American staple Gorton’s Seafood; The Public Health Institute to reduce the spread of COVID-19; science of reading-based tutoring Ignite Reading; and more.  

ZOO also brings its impressive roster of clients including global brands such as Burger King and Hansard Global, and key Irish brands including Electric Ireland, Tirlán’s, the National Lottery and The Abbey Theatre.

“Building from the success of CP and ZOO Digital’s partnership over the past two years, we’re focusing on growth in North America,” said Savitt. “The complexity of marketing in today’s world requires agencies to provide end-to-end solutions. That’s what the convergence of ZOO Digital and CP is about. We excel in data-driven digital marketing across all channels using sophisticated customer research and analytics to inform all our strategies.” 

Clients will benefit from a model that can scale up/down based on needs and 24 hours of coverage across time zones. They’ll have access to a team of digital specialists providing comprehensive solutions across Strategy, UX & UI, Digital Campaign Creative, SEO, PPC, Paid Media, Social Media, Data & Analytics. U.S. clients will also benefit from cost efficiencies with the agency’s digital center of excellence in Dublin, and quality control at its highest within the full-service agency. 

In his role as CDO, Savitt will oversee and drive the agency’s digital growth – including ZOO in North America –  fostering integration, and ensuring clients can leverage ZOO’s team of digital creatives, marketing strategists and creative technologists. He’ll also support synergies across departments and disciplines, advancing CP towards sustained growth.

ZOO Digital will maintain its name and work as an integrated part of the CP ecosystem. Its founders, Colin Hetherington (Managing Director), Chris Preston (Creative Director), and Martin Byrne (Technical Director), will provide clients with digital strategic direction and drive integration while leading the team in Dublin. 

All executives will report to Steve Connelly

Colin Hetherington, Managing Director, ZOO Digital added: “With a decade and a half of experience shaping the digital marketing landscape in Ireland, we’re excited to introduce ZOO to North America. Our Human Centered approach to digital has set us apart and it is now available to clients in this dynamic market. We’re already gaining momentum with a number of new contract wins and we’re looking forward to making a significant impact on the digital landscape in North America.”

As CP enters its 25th year in business, it’s positioned as an independent global agency with 150 employees across three locations in Boston, Dublin & Vancouver. Clients get a global perspective, local market expertise, vertical depth and category know-how. And they get it from teams and resources across the network, no matter what “door” they come in.

November 13, 2023 / News

AdAge: Connelly Partners Launches West Coast Office, Expands Digital Expertise and Education Offering

As the advertising industry continues to be riddled with mergers, layoffs and questions about returning to the office, Connelly Partners is looking to grow into a more global independent agency by expanding its offices and offerings.

The agency, which opened its first office in Boston in the late 1990s, is planning on launching its first West Coast office. Nadine Cole will take on the role of managing director of the new office while retaining her role as president of VRX Studios, a content creation studio that the agency acquired in 2021. VRX will also be an offering under CP West.

Along with the new office, Connelly is also planning to expand ZOO Digital, the Dublin-based digital agency that it acquired in 2022, into the U.S. later this year. The agency will act as CP’s digital offering. As a result, Scott Savitt, a senior partner at the agency, is being promoted to chief digital officer, after previously serving as director of digital.

Connelly is also formally announcing the launch of CP Education, an offering dedicated to servicing education clients. Gene Begin, previously the chief marketing officer of Wheaton College, is leading the practice as managing director.

Read the full article here.

November 13, 2023 / News

AdAge: How Agencies Are Adapting to Marketers’ Increased Focus on the Creator Economy

Social media and influencer marketing has become a thriving practice in the advertising industry, with many clients doubling down on spending in this area. Social media is a direct line to consumers, with an estimated 4.9 billion users globally. Steve Connelly recently spoke with AdAge, sharing his thoughts on the creator economy and why it is vital for marketers to leverage social and influencers for their clients. 

Read more here.  

Learn more about Connelly Partners Influencer Marketing

November 7, 2023 / Thought Leadership

Is TikTok the New Primary Care Office?

Michele Hart-Henry, Managing Director, CP Health
Alyssa Stevens, Director of PR, Social Media & Influencer Marketing
Maya Menon Freeman, Strategy Intern

With over one billion global monthly active users, TikTok has amassed a captive audience for everything. From face creams to MRIs, native Gen Z seeks out online information on any and all subjects, including medical advice. Fifty percent of digital natives, aged 18 to 25, turn to social media platforms for health-related purposes either all the time (22%) or often (28%), according to Insider Intelligence’s US Digital Health Survey 2022. With a wealth of information that they’re used to at their fingertips, younger consumers tend to rely on digital resources for their well-being more than their older counterparts.

With the shifting dynamics of social media gaining more influence and legitimacy as a news source comes the risk of abusing this power. Experts warn that user-generated content on social media platforms, often shared by social influencers, can easily provide disinformation, creating a confusing and misleading mix of fact and fiction. 

The most recent example of this is when Kim Kardashian received backlash for promoting an elective MRI scan that can cost up to $2.5k to her 364 million Instagram followers, claiming that the procedure “has really saved some of my friends’ lives.” The New York Times deemed the endorsement a signal of The New Status Symbol. Prenuvo, the company offering the imaging session, claims to search for early signs of cancer, aneurysms, liver diseases and even multiple sclerosis. The impulse to discover illnesses as early as possible is understandable, however, the American College of Radiology has stated that there is “no documented evidence that total body screening is effective in prolonging life,” and warns that scans could lead to “nonspecific findings” that require expensive follow-ups. 

Avoiding Pitfalls of Influence

Unfortunately, a case like Kim K’s is not out of the ordinary. When non-professionals become leading health voices without any background or training, power shifts away from highly trained individuals, leading to ripple effects throughout the industry. For influencers promoting products or services with supposed medical benefits, these spotlights are often motivated by personal gain, whether financial or to expand influence and followers, as opposed to proven science. Influencers sharing recommendations may create an oversimplification of medicine at best, and create misinformation at worst. Influencers may even cause consumers or followers to self-diagnose and seek out treatments or shortcuts that may not be in their best interest. 

As N. Adam Brown, MD, MBA explains, “we simply cannot treat healthcare innovations as trends. We must demand greater responsibility and accountability by platforms and companies using influencers to drive healthcare businesses.”

Authenticity in Healthcare 

As true as the pitfalls may be when using influencers in the healthcare space, there is expansive potential for positive, authentic content that can improve health. Raising awareness is one of the simplest and most effective benefits derived from an influencer presence, leading to earlier detection, better management, and reduced stigma associated with some conditions. 

The most successful example is the 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which began as an Instagram trend and resulted in more than 17 million people participating in the Challenge and raising $115 million for The ALS Association. The culmination of that campaign was the Steve Gleason Act, which guarantees ALS patients access to much-needed speech-generating devices.

Influencers sharing their own health experiences can also lead to greater personal advocacy, where individuals feel empowered to seek out more personalized, high-quality care from their providers. In this same vein, platforms like TikTok create a lower barrier of entry for those afraid of asking personal or potentially embarrassing questions to their own medical teams. 

Accounts like @avgdiabetic and @shaneburcaw share daily experiences of their chronic conditions as well as their lives outside of their medical care. They build an authentic connection with their viewers and speak truthfully to their own individual experiences, instead of plugging a new trend or product.

 @nursehadley and @doctor.mike are excellent examples of healthcare professionals who are also influencers, using their experience to educate viewers in a way that is backed by science, years of medical school, and research. Credibility is the core of their persona, and rightfully so. They reach their followers through expertise with a personal touch. For healthcare professionals in particular, these platforms can be utilized as a social listening tool where users discuss frustrations or opportunities to respond to consumer needs. 

Prioritize Experience

Whether personal or professional, experience is the key. Speaking from a more personal place for non-HCPs enables authentic connections and greater empathy among followers. The greatest potential for positive effects comes directly from transparency and de-stigmatization of sharing one’s story. But leave the medical advice to the professionals, who are the most qualified to provide actual advice, knowledge, and best practices to counterbalance misinformation that can permeate social media. 

TikTok and other social media platforms are here to stay. Deploying the reach of influencers to help consumers make good health choices is a continuing balancing act. While the supplanting of healthcare practitioners for the likes of Kim Kardashian is concerning, there is still an opportunity for impactful, empowering content to create broad awareness and move people in healthy directions.

Learn more about Connelly Partners Health.

October 30, 2023 / Thought Leadership

Celebrating Connections and Female Empowerment

Jane Amendolara, Assistant PR, Social Media & Influencer Marketing Manager

As a young female professional, I have quickly learned the importance of building relationships, fostering connections, and seeking mentorship. While essential, this can also be a daunting experience.

Various studies have shown that in comparison to their male counterparts, women struggle in networking environments. It comes down to the fact that women and men simply network differently. While men tend to focus on short-term needs, women succeed by building more long-term, personal relationships and friendships. Women often form connections through people they already know and develop smaller, tighter-knit networks that are built on trust. It’s been shown that women actually wind up in a worse position when they attempt to network like men with hopes of getting ahead. Not because they aren’t qualified or lack the necessary skills, but because they are missing the crucial need for a close inner circle of women. That female connection helps to provide critical information on job opportunities and challenges, and ultimately serves a deeper purpose than just a “way in.”

woman speaking to a circle of women at an eventIn a world where making meaningful connections in professional settings can be difficult, I feel extremely grateful that Connelly Partners recognizes this and helps provide me and my female colleagues with the warmth, support, and empowerment needed to successfully network. 

Last month, Connelly Partners hosted its first Empowering Women Networking Event. We were joined by nearly 30 females from across a wide range of ages and industries, including former clients, prospective clients, friends, and job seekers. Together, we curated the welcoming environment that women need to build new relationships, both professionally and personally. 

women talking in a circleNot only was I given the privilege of being surrounded by a room full of driven females from all different backgrounds, but this became an opportunity for us to get to know one another in a safe space for authentic connection. Whether it was talking business or simply forming friendships, the women in attendance were eager to share their experiences, advice, insights, and wisdom. It was uplifting to see genuine connections forming rather than just mere business transactions. 

Not to mention, how else would I have learned that there is in fact a correct way to wear a nametag? 

This event wasn’t just about networking. It was about creating an inclusive space for empowerment and served as a reminder that the support of like-minded individuals is invaluable. As I continue my career, I’m eager to witness the impact of Connelly Partners’ continued initiative for women and their networks…and I feel grateful to be a part of the journey.

four women posing for a picture in an office

Interested in joining us for our next women’s networking event? Sign up here!

October 26, 2023 / Thought Leadership

Travel Weekly Announces the Winners of the 2023 Magellan Awards

Travel Weekly, a leading provider of news, research, opinion, and analysis to the North American travel trade marketplace, has announced the results of the 2023 Magellan Awards. This year saw a record-breaking number of entries submitted from across the globe.

The awards honor excellence in design, marketing and services across various industry segments, including Hospitality, Airlines, Airports, Travel Destinations, Cruise Lines, and more. Entries are judged against Travel Weekly’s standard of excellence.

We are thrilled to share that our client, the Williamsburg Tourism Council, has secured one Silver and two Gold Magellan Awards.

Check out the full list of winners here and the official press release here